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Autumn 2018 Undergraduate Courses

Comparative Studies 1100 Introduction to the Humanities: Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Multiple Sections

Explores the role of literature and the arts in constructing, maintaining, and questioning the values and beliefs of diverse cultures and historical periods; topics vary.  GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies. Honors version.

*Other sections of 1100 can be found on buckeye link

Comparative Studies 2099 Questions in Comparative Studies

Mo 5:20PM – 6:15PM | Hagerty Hall 451| Isaac Weiner

This course offers an introduction to the Comparative Studies major. It is designed to help students to take advantage of curricular, research, and advising opportunities; to manage the particular challenges of independent and interdisciplinary work; to link classroom work to social and political engagement with relevant communities; and to prepare for life after graduation.  This course is graded S/U.

Comparative Studies 2101 Literature and Society

TuTh 9:35AM-10:55AM | Baker Systems 180 | Theresa Delgadillo

This course explores the relationship between literature and society by studying texts that either address social and political themes or imagine individuals defined, constrained or enmeshed in social and political systems. We will read literature (novel, poetry, memoir) and view films created by Latina/o, African American, Asian American, American Indian, and Muslim American authors and filmmakers that engage U.S., hemispheric, and global social, cultural, and political contexts. In our study of literature and film, we will pay attention, in equal measure, to, on the one hand, form, shape, language, structure; and, on the other hand, context and content, because both are relevant to deciphering the social engagements of a text. Questions we might pursue include: How do we weigh individual interests, desires and needs against those of social groups or society generally? Is writing a social or political act? Does society grant the same privileges and opportunities to all? What is social? What is political? What is literary?

GE lit and diversity global studies


Comparative Studies 2103 Literature and the Self

TuTh 3:55PM-5:15PM |  University Hall 038 | Leighla Khansari

Study of relationships between psychology and literature; analysis of psychological concepts and processes as represented in literature and film of diverse cultures and historical periods. GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

Comparative Studies 2104 Literature, Science, and Technology

WeFr 11:10AM - 12:30PM | Arps Hall 388 | Nancy Jesser

Study of relationships among literature, science, and technology; analysis of representations of science and technology in literature and film of diverse cultures and historical periods.

Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 2104H (204H) or 204. GE lit and diversity global studies course.

Comparative Studies 2105 Literature and Ethnicity

WeFr 12:45PM-2:05PM | McPherson Lab 1035 | Kwaku Korang

Study of relationships between literature and ethnicity; analysis of concepts of ethnicity as represented in literature and film of diverse cultures and historical periods.

GE Literature and Diversity: Social Diversity in the U.S.

Comparative Studies 2220 Introduction to South Asain Studies

TBA | TBA | Ila Nager

A multi-disciplinary introduction to South Asia's geographical, political, cultural, and religious contexts and connections.

Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for ArtsSci 265 or NELC 2220. Cross-listed in NELC. GE cultures and ideas and diversity global studies course.

Comparative Studies 2264 Introduction to Popular Culture Studies

MWF 12:40PM-1:35PM | Journalism Building 139 | Alexandra Sterne

This course introduces students to the major arguments, concerns, and theories involved in the critical study of popular culture while actively discussing contemporary events, from Taylor Swift to Black Lives Matter. Far from a trivial or superficial matter, critical engagement with popular culture is essential because it provides unique insights into how we construct and understand the human experience.

In addition to understanding the parameters and arguments involved in the field, students will learn some of the methods used by pop culture theorists so that students may demonstrate their own interpretations of current events and cultural productions. To this end, historical, social, and political contexts will be discussed in addition to theoretical and methodological texts. We will also be discussing a wide range of pop-culture phenomena, including television, film, music, social media, and current events. Finally, critical readings of pop culture objects will provide students with a variety of opportunities to engage with diverse issues that popular culture both reflects and constructs. Cross-listed in English. GE cultures and ideas course.

*Other sections of 2264 can be found on Buckeye Link

Comparative Studies 2281 American Icons

TuTh 3:55PM-5:15PM | McPherson Lab 1041 | Jason Payne

Interdisciplinary methods in American studies; emphasis on the plurality of identities in American culture. GE Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US.

Comparative Studies 2301 Introduction to World Literature

TuTh 11:10AM-12:30PM | Hayes Hall 025 | Ashley Perez

What is “world literature”? Is it the “best of the best” of all the national literatures in the world? Works that people everywhere claim as their cultural inheritance? Is it what we call any literary work once it travels beyond the context in which it was originally written? Does world literature enrich our lives through cultural exchange? And what about the realities of writers in many parts of the world who can only access a significant audience by writing in English or producing works that “travel well” via translation?

We will tackle these questions through our discussion of literatures of the world in their historical and social contexts. We will read twentieth-century texts from the literary traditions of five geopolitical areas: the Middle East; Africa; Asia; Latin and Central America/the Caribbean; and Europe/North America. Student presentations will introduce additional examples of literary texts from different time periods.

In addition to engaged in-class and online discussion, course assignments include short papers and a presentation. All assignments will help you pursue the course goals and participate deeply in a community of learners.

Comparative Studies 2322 Introduction to Latino Studies

TuTh 9:35AM-10:55AM | Gateway Film Center House 1 | Frederick Aldama

Introduction to Latino studies; history, politics, and cultural production of Latino/a communities in the U.S. and its borderlands.

GE Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US. Cross-listed in Spanish 2242.

Comparative Studies 2323 Introduction to American Indian Studies

TuTh 11:10AM-12:30PM | Mendenhall 131 | Daniel Rivers

Explores the legal, cultural, historic, and political foundations, experiences, and perspectives and futures of American Indians in the U.S.

Prereq: English 1110 or equiv. GE cultures and ideas and diversity soc div in the US course.

Comparative Studies 2341 Technology, Science, and Society

TuTh 12:40PM-1:35PM | Pomerene Hall 260 | David Horn

This course explores, from a variety of perspectives, the multiple relations among social and cultural formations, scientific and technical work, and the production and circulation of knowledge.  Topics include the everyday life of the laboratory, the shifting boundaries of science and other ways of knowing, the political and ethical contours of scientific and technical work, and the social effects of scientific discourses and technological systems. This class fulfills the GE Cultures and Ideas and Diversity (Global Studies) requirements and the Professional Ethics requirement for the College of Engineering.

*Other sections of 2341 can be found on Buckeye Link

Comparative Studies 2350 Introduction to Folklore

TuTh 11:10AM-12:30PM | Cockins 218 | Rachel Hopkin

A general study of the field of folklore including basic approaches and a survey of primary folk materials: folktales, legends, folksongs, ballads, and folk beliefs. Prereq: English 1110 (110) or equiv. Not open to students with credit for English 2270 (270), or 2350H. GE cultures and ideas course. Cross-listed in English 2270.

Comparative Studies 2360 Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies

WF 12:45PM-2:05PM | Knowlton Hall 195 | Franco Barchiesi

This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies, and it is the introductory course to the Cultural Studies track in the Department of Comparative Studies. Rather than a specific field, cultural studies is better thought of as an intellectual project that aims to examine cultural practices and their relationship to power, knowledge and identities, within particular political and social contexts. In addition to studying the genealogy, foundational themes, and methods of cultural studies, we have an extended section with a thematic emphasis on cultural critique outside the Western canon or post-Enlightenment humanism, such as postcolonial theory, Black cultural theory, and people-of-color feminism in their questioning of financial capitalism, performance, and consumer culture. A good deal of this course is about applying concepts to contemporary cultural texts, including films and written texts.

GE: Culture and Ideas

Comparative Studies 2367.02 US Latino/a Identity

TuTh 2:20PM - 3:40PM | Denney Hall 265 | Miranda Martinez

This is a writing intensive course that examines the formation and expression of Latino/a identity in the U.S. We will look at the impact of historical experiences, including patterns of (im)migration, socioeconomic and political incorporation on identity formation of major Latino/a groups: Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Dominican. We will use social science, as well as visual media, fiction and essays to examine the role of race, class and sexuality in identity construction and cultural expression.  We also discuss questions related to the ambiguities and uncertainties related to U.S. Latinos/as: how do different Latino ethnicities at different times make sense of being “ni de aquí, ni de allá” (neither from here nor there)? How has urbanization and changing migrations patterns changed the expression and cultural impact of Latino/a identities? To what degree is there a corporate Latino/a identity? What is the cultural significance of racial and cultural hybridization on these identities, and is there such a thing as an “authentic” Latino/a identity?  The course assignments will include an interview/observation exercise looking at Latino/a cultural incorporation in the central Ohio, Columbus area. GE Diversity: Social Diversity in the US; GE Writing and Communication, Level 2.

Comparative Studies 2367.04 Science and Technology in American Culture

MoWeFr 1:05PM-2:45PM | Enarson 214 | Ryann Patrus

Role of science and technology in contemporary American society; their relationship to human values; sources of concern about their impact; evaluation of selected issues. GE Writing and Communication: Level 2 and Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US. Honors version.

Comparative Studies 2367.07 Religious Diversity in the U.S.

MoWeFr 9:10AM-10:05AM | Hagerty 056 | Joanna Toy

Exploration of the concept of religious freedom and the position of minority religious groups in American society. GE Writing and Communication: Level 2 and Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US.

Comparative Studies 2367.08 American Identity in the World

TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM | Mendenhall 131 | Zeynep Aydogdu

American culture viewed from inside and from the perspective of foreign cultures, as seen in literature, film, art, music, journalism, folklore, and popular culture. GE Writing and Communication: Level 2 and Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US. Honors version.

Comparative Studies 2864H Modernity and Postmodernity: Issues and Ideas

TuTh 12:45PM-2:05PM | Enarson 340 | Philip Armstrong

Examination of some of the defining ideas of modern thought and how those ideas have problematically affected modern life in both developed and developing countries.

GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

Comparative Studies 3302 Translating Literature and Cultures

TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM| Campbell Hall 119 | Gregory Jusdanis

Introduction to issues and problems inherent to translating literatures and cultures. GE Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Global Studies.

Comparative Studies 3360 Introduction to Globalization and Culture

TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM | Mendenhall Lab 185 | Nancy Jesser

The course introduces students to the histories and principle concepts and themes defining the discourses and practices of globalization. Through weekly readings, lectures, documentaries, and extensive class discussions, the course will cover a range of debates concerning the historical and contemporary meanings of globalization and its intersection with a number of related fields of research, including patterns of migration and trade routes; economics; political sovereignty, the nation-state, and global governance; NGOs and international organizations; cultural exchange, media, and telecommunications; religion; the environment; and global justice movements. We will also situate the weekly readings in relation to a range of material addressing global issues, as well as research sites that offer different ways of situating globalization in both historical and contemporary contexts. In this sense, we will be asking not only “what is globalization?” (Its meanings and thematic concerns. How is it represented historically?) but also “when is globalization?” (What are its origins? How do we begin to write its history?), “where is globalization? (How do we think the relation between the local, regional, and global? What are the geopolitical spaces of the global?), and “globalization for whom?” (Who experiences globalization and in what ways? Which voices speak for and against globalization?).

Comparative Studies 3603 Love in World Literature

MoWeFr 9:10AM - 10:05AM | Mendenhall Lab 125 | Sarah Dove

This course explores diverse formulations, presentations, and engagements with love in fiction, poetry, and visual forms. Underlying nearly every story of human relationships is a particular concept of what love is, and we will seek to articulate this idea, understand its complexity, and compare it to other conceptions in other texts. Through our explorations of literature, we will consider what makes love particular or universal to people and cultures, the extent to which love is described as spiritual as compared to animal, and the extent to which love reflects individual needs and drives or, alternatively, how it develops in response to community and tradition. We will also consider the influence of various notions (e.g., affection, friendship, attraction, sexuality, duty, kinship, community, religion, patriotism, power, and commodities) on how we—and the texts we read—construct love. This course requires engaged participation and demonstrated preparation and will engage students in a range of structures for discussion and collaboration. Assignments include several short response papers, an in-class analysis presentation, and a final course portfolio. GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

*Other sections of 3603 can be found on Buckeye Link

Comparative Studies 3606 The Quest in World Literature

TuTh 9:35AM-10:55AM | Mendenhall 125 | Lucia Bortoli

Motif of the quest in world literature; physical and mental journeys as metaphors of personal transformation and salvation. GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

Comparative Studies 3607 Film and Literature as Narrative Art

Mo 12:10PM-2:00PM WF 12:40PM-1:35PM | Mendenhall 131 | Susan Hanson

Relationships between film and literature; emergence of cinematic art as a form of representation with emphasis on diverse cultural traditions. GE Visual and Performing Arts and Diversity: Global Studies. Honors version.

*Other sections of 3607 can be found on Buckeye Link

Comparative Studies 3608 Representations of the Experience of War

MoWeFr 8:00AM-8:55AM | Mendenhall 125 | Susan Hanson

Representations of war in works of literature, religious texts, and film from diverse cultures and time periods. GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies

*Other sections of 3608 can be found on Buckeye Link

Comparative Studies 3620 Everyday Life in South Asia

WFri 3:55PM-5:15PM | Hagerty Hall 042 | Ila Nager

Comparative Studies 3686 Cultural Studies of American Popular Music

TTh 12:45PM-2:05PM | Mendenhall Lab 115 | Barry Shank

Investigation of the social, political, and cultural contexts of the development of popular musics in the U.S. GE Visual and Performing Arts and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US.

Comparative Studies 3990 Approaches to Comparative Studies

TTh 2:20PM-3:40PM | Enarson 212 | David Horn

Introduces comparative studies majors to theoretical tools, methods of investigation, and key concepts in comparative studies research and scholarship. You must be a CompStd major or get the permission of instructor.

Comparative Studies 4921 Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class, and Sexuality 

WeFr 9:35AM-10:55AM | Hale Hall 110B | Maurice Stevens

Examines intersections of race, gender, class, and sexuality in various sites within American culture (e.g., legal system, civil rights discourse, social justice movements). Prereq: One course in CompStd, WGSSt, or AfAmASt. Not open to students with credit for 545, AfAmAst 4921 (545), or WGSSt 4921 (545). Cross-listed in AfAmASt and WGSSt.

Comparative Studies 5957.01 Comparative Folklore: Folklore in Circulation, as Cultures of Waste and Recycling

Waste and Recyclin

Th 2:15PM-5:00PM | Journalism Building 291 | Dorothy Noyes

This   course   explores   the   notion   of   the   residual:   what   is   left   over,   useless, unclassifiable.  We'll  consider  processes  of  symbolic  classification  through  which phenomena  can  be  labelled  as  out  of  place  or  out  of  phase.  We  will  explore  the customary  management  of  communal  resources,  both  human  and  material,  in scarce-resource societies. We'll  examine  the  creation  of  waste  (and  its  converse,  deprivation)  with  the codification  of  custom  in  modernity,  and  look  at  strategies  by  which  waste  is recuperated  as  a  matter  of  necessity,  aesthetics,  or  ideology.  We'll  look  at  how different  kinds  of  leftover  move  in  and  out  of  systems  of  value:  for  example,  the labelling of things as "junk" or "antiques," people as "trash," or ideas as "folklore." Throughout, we'll thinkabout the status of residues in social and cultural theory.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies 2102.01 Literature and Religion

TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM | Evans Lab 2001 | Michael Swartz

Can sacred scriptures be read as literature?  Does a modern novel, poem, or film have religious meaning?  Religious communities around the world use literature to convey messages about cosmology and morality, express their adherents’ devotion to their divinities, or simply entertain.  At the same time, modern “secular” books, poems, songs, and media have been deeply influenced by religions—even when their authors might dissent from their religious backgrounds.  In Literature and Religion we will explore the many uses of literature in religious cultures, their functions, forms, and artistic styles.  We will read ancient, modern, Western and non-Western myths and stories, prayers and poems, and listen to music and watch films that reflect and express religious ideas and images.   Our readings will include selections in translation from the Bible and Bob Dylan, Hindu mythology and Bollywood films, the mystical Islamic poet Rumi, and modern writers from around the world.

GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

Religious Studies 2102.02 Comparative Sacred Texts

TuTh 2:20PM-3:40PM | Ramseyer Hall 059 | Hugh Urban

This course will cover the sacred texts of a variety of religious traditions and the basic theories and methods for reading religious literature. We will examine texts not only from "mainstream" traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, but also materials from Native American traditions and  from new religious movements such as Scientology and Wicca. Students will also be introduced to basic theoretical tools for reading and interpreting sacred texts from multiple perspectives. In addition to lectures, films, and in-class discussions, the class will include field trips to a variety of religious sites in central Ohio. GE Literature and Diversity: Global Studies.

*Students will also need to pick a recitation.

Religious Studies 4873 Contemporary Religious Movements in Global Context

TuTh 11:10AM-12:30PM | Baker Systems 180 | Hugh Urban

Examination of contemporary religious movements within the context of larger political, cultural, and economic processes, including post-colonialism, modernization, and globalization. Cross-listed in IntStds.

Comparative Studies 5957.01 Comparative Folklore: Folklore in Circulation

TOPIC :  Cultures of Waste and Recycling  34274

Th 2:15PM-5:00PM | Journalism Building 291 | Dorothy Noyes

This   course   explores   the   notion   of   the   residual:   what   is   left   over,   useless, unclassifiable.  We'll  consider  processes  of  symbolic  classification  through  which phenomena  can  be  labelled  as  out  of  place  or  out  of  phase.  We  will  explore  the customary  management  of  communal  resources,  both  human  and  material,  in scarce-resource societies. We'll  examine  the  creation  of  waste  (and  its  converse,  deprivation)  with  the codification  of  custom  in  modernity,  and  look  at  strategies  by  which  waste  is recuperated  as  a  matter  of  necessity,  aesthetics,  or  ideology.  We'll  look  at  how different  kinds  of  leftover  move  in  and  out  of  systems  of  value:  for  example,  the labelling of things as "junk" or "antiques," people as "trash," or ideas as "folklore." Throughout, we'll think about the status of residues in social and cultural theory.