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Master of Arts in Comparative Studies

The Master's Program in Comparative Studies offers students a rigorous introduction to cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of culture. The program is typically completed in two years. M.A. students develop a clear area of concentration and sound theoretical foundations for their individual program of study in order to attain depth of knowledge as well as breadth. Students work with faculty in Comparative Studies as well as in other departments; the expertise of Comparative Studies faculty members centers around comparative ethnic and American studies, comparative literature, cultural anthropology, folklore, visual studies, religious studies, and science and technology studies, and faculty attend particularly to the interrelatedness among these cultural and historical domains. Within their focus areas, students are encouraged to develop inquiries that attend to the cultural and historical contexts of the particular subject in question.

Click on this link for more information about applying to the M.A. program is available. Prospective students are also encouraged to explore the M.A. program requirements and sample programs to learn more about how current and past students in Comparative Studies have shaped their studies. More information about admissions and financial aid is available from the Graduate School.

Questions about the Comparative Studies M.A. program? Please contact our grad studies director, Miranda Martinez (martinez.475@osu.edu), or our academic program coordinator, Mark Anthony Arceño (arceno.1@osu.edu).