2020 Graduate Dissertations, Appointments, and Fellowships

Congratulations to:
RaShelle Peck (graduated 2014), who accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Borough of Manhattan Community College in Black Studies.
Nic Flores (graduated 2019) , who accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Latina/Latino Studies.
Kati Fitzgerald, who recently defended her dissertation, “No Pure Lands: The Contemporary Buddhism of Tibetan Lay Women” (Advisor: Hugh Urban). Kati will be a Post-doctoral Fellow at University of Zurich’s Department of Religious Studies.
Eleanor Paynterwho recently defended her dissertation, “Witnessing Emergency: Testimonial Narratives of Precarious Migration to Italy” (Co-Advisors: Amy Shuman and Dana Renga). In the Fall, Eleanor will take up a Postdoctoral Associate position at the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University.
Afsane Rezaei, who recently defended her dissertation, “Agency Between Narratives: Women, Faith, and Sociability in Irangeles” (Advisor: Dorry Noyes). Afsane has accepted an Assistant Professor position in Folklore in the Department of English at Utah State University.
Caroline Toy, who recently defended her dissertation “Wizarding Shrines and Police Box Cathedrals: Re-envisioning Religiosity through Fan and Media Pilgrimages”(Advisor: Hugh Urban). Caroline has accepted a position as Learning Experience Designer in the Center for Learning and Teaching at Champlain College.
Seth Gaiters, PhD Candidate, who received a Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Team Fellowship at OSU for 2020-21. He will also be an “Honorary Fellow” of the Louisville Institute and he was offered a place in the Social Science Research Council's Religion and the Public Sphere 2020 Summer Institute.