Autumn 2021 Comparative Studies “Comparison” Workshops

The following workshops are part of the CS 6100 “Critical Foundations: Comparative Analysis” seminar with Kwaku Korang and open to anyone interested in joining by Zoom.
Friday, October 8, 2:20-3:40 // Jolyon Thomas
(Department of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania)
Jolyon Thomas researches religion in Japan and the United States. His first book, Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan, appeared from University of Hawai`i Press in 2012. His 2019 University of Chicago Press monograph, Faking Liberties: Religious Freedom in American Occupied Japan, received an Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion (Analytical-Descriptive Studies) from the American Academy of Religion in 2020. His third book, Difficult Subjects: Religion and the Politics of Public Schooling in Japan and the United States, is under contract with University of Chicago Press. Thomas is also co-editing The New Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions.
Friday, November 12, 3:40-5:05 // John Paul Ricco
(Department of Visual Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Toronto)
John Paul Ricco is an art historian and queer theorist whose interdisciplinary research, teaching, and writing, draws connections between late 20-century and contemporary art and architecture; continental philosophy; and issues of gender and sexuality, bodies and pleasures, pornography and eroticism. He is the author of The Decision Between Us: Art and Ethics in the Time of Scenes (Chicago, 2014); The Logic of the Lure (Chicago, 2003) and two books in progress, The Intimacy of the Outside: Essays on the Erotic Aesthesis of the Common and Extinction Aesthetics: The Collective Afterlife of Things. REGISTER HERE.
Friday, November 19, 2:20-3:40 // Timothy K. Choy
(Department of Science and Technology Studies and Anthropology, UC Davis)
Timothy K. Choy works in Science and Technological Studies, the Sociocultural Wing in the Department of Anthropology, and the Center for Science & Innovation Studies at UC Davis. His research addresses ecological discourses and practices; atmospheres; human-nonhuman relations; scale, specificity, exemplarity; Hong Kong & U.S., and he is the author of Ecologies of Comparison: An Ethnography of Endangerment in Hong Kong (Duke University Press, 2011). REGISTER HERE.