Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium Submissions

January 24, 2018

Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium Submissions

The Department of Comparative Studies invites its undergraduate majors and minors to present and discuss their work with peers and faculty members in a colloquium, which will be held on Friday April 6, 2018. Students from all years with completed papers, a thesis project, as well as works-in-progress are welcome to submit proposals. This is an opportunity to share and celebrate the variety of work being done in the department as well as to gain presentation experience and feedback on your current research.
Presenters will be provided with a faculty advisor who will help them prepare. Group practice sessions with graduate student mentors will also be planned to help first-time presenters rehearse their material. Students sharing a thesis or completed papers will be given 20 minutes to present. Students sharing works-in-progress will be given 10 minutes to present.
Proposals have a 300-word limit and should be submitted by Monday, February 12 at If you would like advice on how to submit a proposal, please contact your faculty advisor or one of the colloquium organizers below before the deadline.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Amy Gutmann Fuentes (undergraduate organizer)
Nick Sunderland (undergraduate organizer)
Philip Armstrong (faculty organizer)