Congratulations Leyla Khansari!

Leyla Khansari has been admitted to the Folger Institute yearlong colloquium, “Gender, Race, and Early Modern Studies,” to be directed by Kimberly Anne Coles and Ayanna Thompson. She has also received $3,588 in support of her attendance of the colloquium. This colloquium, which is held on a Friday of each month, “will thoroughly explore the works that women read and wrote, in which they are represented, and in which they represent themselves, to put gender in consistent and contested conversation with race. Scholars working on a wide variety of genres, including religious and medical tracts, domestic and conduct manuals, travel narratives, poetry, and drama, participate in a gathering that will utilize the wealth of relevant Folger materials. They will have the opportunity to workshop their own writing as well as to discuss approaches and directions in the broader field with invited presenters.