May 5, 2016
End of the Year Awards

Last week, a few undergraduate students and graduate students were awarded for their writings in Comparative Studies. Below is the list of those students who were awarded for their outstanding papers:
Best undergraduate paper:
Taryn Ely for "Borderline Personality Disorder and the Disabled Social Experience: Reading Film through the lens of Mental Disability"
Honorable Mentions: Marisa Wieneke for "Creative Consumption: An Exploration of Food Based Fan Practice" and Jacob Kroth for "How to be Nobody: Samuel R. Delany’s Dhalgren and Schizonomadism"
Best graduate paper:
Leyla Khansari for "Sycorax: A Manifestation of the Superimposition of the Islamic Identity?"
Honorable Mention: Zachary Paganini for "Underwater: the National Flood Insurance Program, and Resilience as Immunity in Canarsie, Brooklyn"
Our graduate student service award was awarded to Eleanor Paynter.
Congratulations to all.