John Low To Speak At Notre Dame

On Wednesday, March 16th from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in 108A Riley Hall at University of Notre Dame, John Low will give a reading & discussion from his recently released book Imprints: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians & the City of Chicago.
Low’s work examines the ways some Pokagon Potawatomi tribal members have maintained a distinct Native identity, their rejection of assimilation into the mainstream, and their desire for inclusion in the larger contemporary society without forfeiting their “Indianness.” Mindful that contact is never a one-way street, Low also examines the ways in which experiences in Chicago have influenced the Pokagon Potawatomi. Imprints continues the recent scholarship on the urban Indian experience before as well as after World War II.
For full information on the event, this PDF poster is available to download: john_low_NDU_poster.pdf