Monamie Bhadra Wins 2016 Mullins Award

April 27, 2017

Monamie Bhadra Wins 2016 Mullins Award


Congrats to Monamie Bhadra on winning the 2016 Mullins Award from the Society for the Social Study of Science

From Society for Social Studies of Science: "After reviewing the material the committee unanimously selected the paper entitled 'Nation-Building Civic Epistemologies in India through Nuclear Politics' as the winner of the 2016 Mullins Award. The author of this unpublished piece is Monamie Bhadra, Student at the Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology PhD Program at Arizona State University.

Bhadra's paper has a great handle on relevant literature that revises a leading STS theoretical approach, through very thorough and nuanced engagement with an empirical case. As a well-researched and well-written piece it demonstrates the dynamic formation and contestation of civic epistemologies in India. In particular, the paper contributes to de-locating the discussion about civic epistemologies in a 'non-western’ context. With this move it brings forward questions about the assumptions that sustain the idea of democracy at the base of the concept of civic epistemology. It also offers an interesting discussion of the role of states (in their diversity) in the constitution of political controversies surrounding science".
