Offering our first ONLINE VERSION of CS 1100 for Spring 2020!

October 22, 2019

Offering our first ONLINE VERSION of CS 1100 for Spring 2020!

Comparative Studies 1100

The Department of Comparative Studies is excited to announce that a new online version of CS 1100: Intro to Humanities has been added to Spring 2020 courses. Register today with Joanna Caroline Toy!

CS 1100: Intro to Humanities is organized of various disciplines and fields, including literary and cultural studies, philosophy, religious studies, history, and language studies. These disciplines and fields are concerned with human beings and their cultures, specifically with how humans create meaning in distinct ways across time and space.

We will pursue themes that are central to the Humanities, including: How is meaning constituted and what is considered knowledge? How are notions of justice, religion, empire, colonialism, and exclusion and inclusion articulated and practiced across time and space? How do cultural practices—literary and visual—relate to questions of social belonging (religion, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality) as well as discourses and practices of community, democracy, war and violence, technology, and the environment? Finally, what role might the study of the humanities play at the beginning of the twenty-first century, notably in the contexts of contemporary globalization?

We will pursue these questions by drawing on materials from diverse cultural and historical context.

In addition to our new online class, we have multiple sections of CS 1100 to choose from.