OFS Receives Sustainability Institute Grant

July 3, 2020

OFS Receives Sustainability Institute Grant

Ohio State seal

Congratulations to Dr. Joe CampbellDr. Cassie Rosita Pattersonand Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, all members of the OSU Advisory Committee for the Ohio Field School who, along with the colleagues listed below, received a $25,000 grant from the Sustainability Institute for their collaborative project, Systemic Interactions between Individuals and Drinking Water Quality in Appalachia. The goal of the project is to learn from LiKEN’s existing water justice project in Martin County, Kentucky about how universities and non-profit organizations can equitably collaborate with rural water testing experts, initiatives, and water systems users in Appalachian Ohio. Lessons learned from the listening and engagement phase of our collaboration will inform the development of community-led, participatory action water testing methods and systems modeling that will support the creation of a regional Healthy Water Advocacy Network. Jasper and Cassie will assist with assembling a Community Partner Advisory Committee of water specialists in Scioto and Perry Counties, and Joe will support collection of participatory data, and relationship-building between communities, organizations, governmental agencies, and universities.   

Students interested in the Ohio Field School can take CS 5198S. The course offers an introduction to ethnographic methods such as participant-observation, field notes, photographic documentation, and audio-interviews, as well as experience with archiving. Students also gain field experience when they stay on-site for one week in Perry Country during the semester!

Collaborators on this grant include: 


Dr. Joe Campbell, Co-PI (Lecturer: School of Environment and Natural Resources; Director: Environmental Professionals Network)

Dr. Santina Contreras, Co-PI (Assistant Professor: Knowlton School of Architecture, City and Regional Planning; Core Faculty Member: Sustainability Institute)

Dr. Matthew Hamilton, Co-PI (Assistant Professor: School of Environment and Natural Resources; Core Faculty Member, Sustainability Institute)

Dr. Natalie Hull, Lead PI (Assistant Professor: Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering; Core Faculty Member, Sustainability Institute)

Dr. Cassie Rosita Patterson, Co-PI (Assistant Director: Center for Folklore Studies)

Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, Co-PI (Postdoctoral Scholar and Public Folklorist: Center for Folklore Studies)

Project Advisory Committee 

Ricky Draper (Community Engagement Coordinator: Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network)

Dr. Betsy Taylor (Executive Director: Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network)