SAGSA and RSR Recent Activities

The South Asia Graduate Studies Association (President and Founder: Amanda Randhawa (Comp Studies), Nithya Rajan (WGSS) vice-president, Archana Venkatesh (History) treasurer, Sri Thakkilapati (Sociology) secretary), in collaboration with the Religious Studies Roundtable (President: Amanda Randhawa, VP: Seth Josephson, Treasurer: Kati Fitzgerald) have had a very successful year organizing important guest speakers and were fortunate to receive support from various university resources.
The groups co-sponsered an incredible and well-attended campus-wide lecture given by Wendy Doniger (University of Chicago). Professor Doniger also had a seminar with graduate students. They also hosted Corinne Dempsey last Spring who gave a lecture and met with 2367.07 students.
Navtej Purewal (Deputy director of South Asia at SOAS) and John Court (Religious Studies, Dennison) will be speaking on Campus on February 29th and March 9th.They will both also meet with graduate students focused on South Asia and Religious Studies