
Former PhD student, Rebecca Adelman, Publishes 'Figuring Violence: Affective Investments in Perpetual War'
Congrats to former PhD student, Rebecca Adelman, on her recent publication of 'Figuring Violence: Affective Investments in Perpetual War'.
"In the United States, the early years of the…

Former PhD student, Amy Gregg, receives 2019 Lloyd Library Curtis Gates Lloyd fellowship
We love getting updates from Comparative Studies alumni about what they're up to now!
Congrats to our former PhD student, Amy Gregg, on being chosen as a recipient of the 2019 Lloyd Library…

PhD Student Eleanor Paynter featured on ASC Daily Post
Comparative Studies PhD student Eleanor Paynter is featured in the College of Arts and Sciences Daily Post today!
Here is the link to the original story discussing…

Comparative Studies Undergrad Colloquium Submissions by Feb. 15th
Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium
Friday, April 5, 2019
The Department of Comparative Studies invites its undergraduate majors and minors to…

Maurice Stevens chosen as mentor for the University Institute for Teaching & Learning's New Faculty Program
Maurice Stevens was chosen as a lead mentor for UITL!
Fifteen Arts and Sciences faculty members were chosen as mentors for the University Institute for Teaching and Learning's New Faculty…

Dorothy Noyes receives honorary degree from Univerisity of Tartu
Comparative Studies' very own Dorothy Noyes recieved an honorary degree from University of Tartu in Folkloristics in recognition of the major contribution of Noyes to international folkloristics…

Professor Theresa Delgadillo at the "Community Conversation on Memory and Death"
Professor Theresa Delgadillo was a speaker at the "Community Conversation on Memory and Death" on October 11, 2018, hosted by the Columbus Museum of Art as part of their month-long schedule of…

Graduate Student Newsletter, Fall 2018
Check out the Comparative Studies department's File Grad Newsletter 2018 (1).pdf (opens in a new window)1.43 MB for Fall 2018!

Folklorist and OSU alumna Sheila Bock elucidates Brett Kavanaugh's proverb
Sheila Bock, an Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas studied folklore at The Ohio State University.