Danielle Marx-Scouras

Danielle Marx-Scouras

Danielle Marx-Scouras

Professor of French, Department of French and Italian


Areas of Expertise

  • Contemporary French and Francophone Literature, Theory


  • Ph.D. (1981) in Comparative Literature, Columbia University
  • M.A. (1975) in French, Boston University
  • B.A. (1971) French-Honors, Simmons College
Professor Marx-Scouras works in contemporary French and francophone literature, theory, and cultural history. She has written on Camus, Sénac, Chraïbi, Zebda, Tel Quel, women writing on war, French popular music, Maghrebine francophone literature and theory, Vittorini and Il Politecnico. Her most recent book, La France de Zebda 1981-2004: Faire de la musique un acte politique was published by the Editions Autrement in Paris in 2005. She is currently working on a new book project, "Rock the Hexagon: Popular Music and Identity Politics in France Today," supported by an OSU Arts and Humanities Seed Grant. Professor Marx-Scouras received the College of Humanities Rodica C. Botoman Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring in 2004.