


In Comparison E.4 with Comparative Studies senior Denise Andersen

Check out epidose 4 of In Comparison! In Comparison is a podcast showcasing the myriad of voices in Ohio State University's Comparative Studies department, brought to you by the…


Seth Gaiters Selected as 2018-19 Doctoral Fellow

We are thrilled to share the news that Seth Gaiters has been selected as a 2018-19 Doctoral Fellow by the Forum for Theological Exploration! This $25,000 fellowship will support Seth for a year of…


In Comparison Podcast E.3 with Dr. David Horn

Epidose 3 of the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Club podcast titled In Comparison is up! Check it out if you are interested in hearing Dr. Horn talk about his history with the…


In Comparison Podcast: Episode 2 with Professor Maurice Stevens

Check out Episode 2 of In Comparison!

Part One

Part Two

In Comparison is a podcast showcasing the myriad of voices in Ohio State University's Comparative Studies department,…


Listen to the first In Comparison podcast from the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Student Club!

Check out the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Student Club's first podcast titled In Comparison! Episode one is all about how four different Comparative Studies majors (Belle Brown, Destiny…


Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium Submissions

The Department of Comparative Studies invites its undergraduate majors and minors to present and discuss their work with peers and faculty members in a colloquium, which will be held on Friday April…

Katherine Borland awarded Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies

Congrats to Associate Professor Katherine Borland on being awarded the Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland for the academic year 2018-19! Read…


Dept of Comparative Studies and Tsukuba University Partnership

The Department of Comparative Studies is currently partnering with Tsukuba University in Japan. Below is a photo from their recent meeting. 


Congratulations Kay Clopton

Congrats to Kay Clopton on being awarded a highly coveted position as the Mary P. Key Resident for Cultural Diversity Inquiry! Kay will be working in the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum…