


Celebration of Graduating Majors and their Undergraduate Thesis Titles

This year professors in the comparative studies department put together a heartfelt video to wish the graduates good luck and congratulations.

The seniors also wrote amazing theses on…

Zoom celebration for awards

Comparative Studies 2020 Annual Awards Ceremony

This year the Comparative Studies 2020 Annual Awards Ceremony was held virtually over Zoom! The awards and their recipients are the following: 

Teaching Awards—Margaret Lynd Award…

Dr. Delgadillo

Congratulations to Theresa Delgadillo for her 2019-2020 Award For Distinguished Service!

The Center for Ethnic Studies is pleased to announce Theresa Delgadillo, Professor of Comparative Studies and former director of the Center, as the recipient of its 2019-2020 Award for…


Congratulations to Seth Gaiters For His 2020 Graduate Achievements!

Please join the Department of Comparative Studies in congratulating Seth Gaiters, who this past week was awarded not one, but TWO different graduate fellowships for the 2020-21 academic year…

Ken Wailbora

In Memoriam of Kennedy Walibora Waliaula

The Department of Comparative Studies mourns the death of one of its Ph.D. graduates, Ken Walibora Waliaula (1964-2020) in Nairobi, Kenya, at age 56. Tragically, Ken was struck by a matatu, a 52-…

Ashley Clark

Alumna Ashley Clark's Reflections on Her Time In Taiwan

Ashley Clark graduated in 2019 with BA in Comparative Studies and a minor in South Asia Studies. Below is a reflection of her time in Taiwan:


A year ago, I only knew Taiwan…

Isaac Weiner

Congratulations to Dr. Weiner on his Outstanding Teaching Award!

The College of Arts and Sciences Student Council selected Dr. Isaac Weiner as a finalist for the 2019 – 2020 Outstanding Teaching Award.  This award is particularly notable because it is the…

Kati Fitzgerald

Congratulations to Dr. Katie Fitzgerald on her Outstanding Dissertation!

Please extend your congratulations to Kati Fitzgerald, who just successfully defended her brilliant dissertation, "No Pure Lands: The Contemporary Buddhism of Tibetan Lay Women."

Lindsay Jones

In Memoriam of Professor Emeritus Lindsay Jones

In Memoriam

Lindsay Jones (1954-2020)


Professor Emeritus Lindsay Jones passed away on March 28, 2020, after an extended struggle with cancer. He spent his entire…