
Moriah Flagler to Receive 2019 Postdoctoral Scholar Mentor of the Year Award
Congratulations are in order for Moriah Flagler, who has been selected as the 2019 Postdoctoral Scholar Mentor of the Year!
Every year, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs highlights a…

Comparative Studies Department Awards Ceremony 2019
On Wednesday, April 24th, we held our annual departmental awards ceremony celebrating all of the incredible work our faculty, lecturers, and students have done in the past year.
We continue…

Caroline Toy Receives Outstanding Writing Instruction Award Honorable Mention
The Writing Across the Curriculum graduate consultant team has selected Caroline Toy for an honorable mention in the award for Outstanding Writing Instruction. They received a number of…

How does musical beauty build community? Professor Barry Shank explains the political force of musical beauty
Professor Barry Shank discusses his latest book, which explores the power of music to create community, along with a history of comparative studies and how greeting …

Research Commons presents the First Digital Humanities Showcase
Join two of our Comparative Studies Graduate students, Seth Gaiters and Caroline Toy, as they present on their research topics.The Showcase will feature “lightning talks” by…

Sarah Craycraft awarded a Title VI funded Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship
Graduate student Sarah Craycraft has been awarded a Title VI funded Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for this coming summer. She’ll be studying Bulgarian through Sofia…

Watson delivers two invited lectures in Brussels
Julia Watson, professor emerita in the Department of Comparative Studies, gave a lecture on “Between the Edge and the Abyss: The Serial Performances of Anthony Bourdain” and participated in a…

David Horn receives 2019 President & Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service
David Horn has received the President and Provost’s Award for Distinguished Faculty Service, which annually recognizes up to three tenure-track, clinical or research faculty members whose…

Dr. Robert Livingston leading Food Futures: Design + Comparative Studies Teaching Cluster
Comparative Studies' faculty member, Robert Livingston, is leading a new initiative at Ohio State called Food Futures: Design + Comparative Studies Teaching Cluster.
This initiative is…