


Grad Student Jess Holler featured in Pathways: A Publication of Ohio Humanities

Jess Holler is an incoming PhD Student in the Center for Folklore Studies! She was recently featured in the Summer/Fall 2017 issue of Pathways: A Publication of Ohio Humanities in the…

CS 2360

Congratulations Leyla Khansari!

Leyla Khansari has been admitted to the Folger Institute yearlong colloquium, “Gender, Race, and Early Modern Studies,” to be directed by Kimberly Anne Coles and Ayanna Thompson. She has also…

Headshot of Paynter

Congratulations Eleanor Paynter!

Congratulations to Eleanor Paynter on the publication of her first article, the European Journal of Life Writing! Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer!

Here’s the link…

Urban headshot

Hugh Urban Named Distinguished Professor

Dr. Hugh Urban has been named a College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies. This honorific title serves to honor full professor colleagues who have excelled in…

headshot of Jason Payne

Jason Payne nominated for lecturer award

Congrats to Jason Payne, who was nominated for the 2016-2017 Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer at Ohio State! 

With 2000+ award-eligible lecturers at Ohio State, it…

Monamie Bhadra Wins 2016 Mullins Award

Congrats to Monamie Bhadra on winning the 2016 Mullins Award from the Society for the Social Study of Science! 

From Society for Social Studies of Science: "After reviewing the…


Comparative Studies Department Awards 2017

This past week, we had our annual Comparative Studies Department Awards where we recognized the outstanding achievements of our faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students. Thank you to…


Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium 2017

This past Friday was the Comparative Studies Undergraduate Colloquium. It was a great success!

Thank you to everyone that helped put it on, including: 

Colloquium Organizing…

Graduate Student Kati Fitzgerald Selected for Fulbright Award

Congratulations to Comparative Studies Graduate student Kati Fitzgerald on being awarded the 2017 Fulbright Scholarship to China!

From the Chair of the award, "The Fulbright…